Horizon Biolabs Pvt Ltd is a GLP compliance Analytical Contract Research Organization located in Hyderabad, India. We are an industry-leading.....

We are one of the best service provider in the field of microbiology testing. We provide the best facility with no compromises. As a customer focuses company , we are committed to provide quality services to meet client requirements and are compliance with all relevant industry standards and regulations. We have a team of scientists working on various research projects outsourced by renowned organizations for their submissions to various regulatory bodies .


We offer the following cGMP compliance services for Drugs and Pharma:

Raw Materials and Excipients Analysis

Pharmacopeial Testing

Stability Storage and Analysis as per ICH Q1

Comparator Testing (Dissolution Profile).......


We offer the following services in Microbial testing

Development and validation of Microbial enumeration test and test for specified microorganisms (MLT), Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test (AET/PET), Sterility, Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET by Gel Clot & Kinetic methods) .......


We perform packaging test on :

Primary Containers, Auxiliary Articles and Manufacturing Aids like HDPE, LDPE, PP containers, Plastic bags, Rubber stoppers, Gaskets & O-rings, Prefilled syringes, Implants, Glass vials, Syringes, Resins, Injectable bags / vials, Films, Blister packs, Laminated tubes .......